How To Install Apc Php Accelerator Wamp
I need your help. I'm trying to install php_apc.dll into my php directory.
So far this is what i've done: How to use cummins calterm.
I copied php_apc.dll to c:wampbinphpphp5.3.0ext. I've also restarted the server several times.
But when i checked
I have installed Symfony 2.3 on a WampServer but when I check for configuration warnings I have the following message Install and enable a PHP accelerator like APC I have tried many apc's version. APCu is the APC User Cache module. NOTE: Before starting, install the Bitnami LAMP, MAMP or WAMP Stack with the NetBeans IDE and its PHP module.
There wasnt any evidence of APC Extension Installation.
Please what i'm i doing wrong?I'll be most delighted with your answers, comments and suggestions.
Thank you.
1 Answer
Read the tutorial How to install APC on Wamp.
It seems you didnt add extention line in php.ini
I am trying to install PHP accelerator like apc for a symfony project .The problem is that the apc is not appearing in localhost/?phpinfo=1, however it does appear on wamp>php>extensions menu tray with options php_apc enabled.And also when i try localhost/ , it seems that symfony project does not detects the apc.
I have trying to resolve this problem for the past 3 days :( .
Here are my steps that i have made to install and enable apc.dll
1.In the folder of the extensions i have placed the apc.dll C:wampbinphpphp5.4.3ext
I have downloaded the apc.dll from for the version APC 3.1.9 for PHP 5.4 vc9 (Win7/2008) as per my configuration
2.I have set up the extension for the dll in php.ini as below in Dynamic Extensions extension=php_apc.dll
and in the Module Settings section i have placed the following:-
apc.enabled = 1
apc.shm_segments = 1
apc.shm_size = 128M
apc.max_file_size = 10M
apc.stat = 1
3.Restart wampserver
MY php info:
![How To Install Apc Php Accelerator Wamp How To Install Apc Php Accelerator Wamp](
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apache version -2.4.2
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OS -window 7
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Thanks you for kind reply :)
Php Accelerator Wamp
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