Final Burn Alpha Psp Download
Final Burn Alpha is a Multiple Arcade Emulator most popular for emulating Neo-Geo, Capcom, Konami, and Cave games. It is developed by the final burn team and originated from FinalBurn by Dave
OopsWare ported FinalBurn Alpha to PSP. Download FBA4PSP. Alpha Architecture Emulator (AAE) is an emulator family to emulate DEC's/Compaq's/HP's.
See also: MAME, Neo Geo
There are a variety of arcade emulators available in RetroPie. There are significant differences in performance, compatibility, and configuration between them. If you're getting started with arcade emulation, start by reading Arcade.
This page is a resource for additional details on RetroPie's Final Burn Alpha emulators including configuration paths, controls, and the ROM sets which each emulator requires.
All Arcade ROMS Compatibility List feel free to contribute to the list.
Emulator | Rom Folder | Extension | Required ROM Version | Controller Config |
lr-fbalpha | arcade or fba or neogeo | .7z .zip | FB Alpha v0.2.97.44 | /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg, or /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg, or /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/retroarch.cfg |
lr-fbalpha2012 | arcade or fba or neogeo | .7z .zip | FB Alpha v0.2.97.29 | /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg, or /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg, or /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/retroarch.cfg |
PiFBA | arcade or fba or neogeo | .zip | FB Alpha | /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba/fba2x.cfg or /opt/retropie/configs/fba/fba2x.cfg |
Arcade ROM paths
Five of the available arcade ROM paths in RetroPie are shared directories which are used by more than one emulator: arcade
, mame-libretro
, mame-advmame
, fba
, and neogeo
. In order to successfully load zipped ROM sets in these locations you must specify the arcade emulator version which matches your ROMs.
To avoid having several menus for different arcade emulators, all arcade-based ROMs can be placed in the arcade
ROM folder, but you will have to specify which emulator each zipped ROM set will use from the Runcommand Menu.
Note: Please see lr-fbalpha for information on how to configure specific features of this emulator.
Accepted File Extensions: .7z .zip
ROM Version: Subset of latest MAME/HBMAME roms available
Total arcade games emulated: 5500+
- BIOS: 7
- Samples: ?
FB Alpha DAT Files:
lr-fbalpha compatibility list feel free to contribute to the list.
Controls:lr-fbalpha utilises RetroArch configs. Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in:
Ispconfig 3 manual pdf. May 4, 2016 - Manual for the ISPConfig 3 Billing Module. Version 1.4 for ISPConfig 3.0. Setting of default PDF template for companies. • Email reminders for. According to the 3 levels the manual is split into 3 sections: I Administrator. PDF format as well as links to the knowledgebase on the Projektfarm website.
For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration
Accepted File Extensions: .7z .zip
lr-fbalpha2012 does not have support for Samples in any form.
ROM Version: FB Alpha v0.2.97.30
Total games emulated: 3369
- BIOS: 5
- Samples: ?
FB Alpha v0.2.97.30 DAT File: FB Alpha
FB Alpha v0.2.97.30 Neo Geo Only DAT File: fba-lr-neogeo
lr-fbalpha2012 Compatibility List feel free to contribute to the list.
Controls:lr-fbalpha2012 utilises RetroArch configs. Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in:
Final Burn Alpha Psp Torrent

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration
Accepted File Extensions: .zip
ROM Version: FB Alpha
Scitech gldirect 5.0.2. Total games emulated: 684
- BIOS: ?
- Samples: ?
FB Alpha v0.2.96.71 DAT File: FB Alpha v0.2.96.71 (ClrMame Pro).dat
FB Alpha v0.2.96.71 'Lite' DAT File: [] ( (clones, non-working, mahjong, quiz, adult, casino, rythm removed)
PiFBA Compatibility List feel free to contribute to the list.
PiFBA controls are located in:
As there is no menu to configure controllers with PiFBA like there is with Mame4all, you'll have to edit the aforementioned file manually.
NOTE PiFBA currently only supports 2 players.
Example of fba2x.cfg
Portable Final Burn Alpha or PFBA is the latest emulator to be released on the Vita / TV, This emulator for HENkaku user's is brought us by developer cpasjuste who has released other applications and homebrew such as UAE4ALL (vita) or the utility PSP2Shell to name a couple of releases. Checkout this emulator and no need for coins for this Arcade emulator;PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha
The main goals of this final burn alpha port are/were :
- have a basic but user friendly user interface on non windows devices
- use a recent rendering interface for speed and effects support
- cross-platform and code portability
- easy updates of fba core (no modifications to the original sources)
- use arm asm m68k (cyclone) core on arm devices
PS Vita information :
- data is located at 'ux0:/data/pfba'
- default rom path is 'ux0:/data/pfba/roms/'
Final Burn Alpha
- rom path can be changed in 'ux0:/data/pfba/pfba.cfg'- preview images can be put in 'ux0:/data/pfba/previews/rom-name.png'
- in the ui: START = gui options + default rom configuration
- in the ui: SELECT = selected rom configuration
- in game: START+SELECT = menu
- in game: START+L = saves states
Source code :
Thanks :
- Xavier for the support (
- ScHlAuChi for all the advices and testing
- fba/mame authors (,
- xerpi for vita2d (
- frangarcj for vita2d shader support (
- people behind the vitasdk (
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