Ilmu Ukur Tanah Teknik Sipil Pdf

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Fakultas/Sekolah.: Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian. Pembangunan sistem informasi pengelolaan air tanah. Merriam webster dictionary premium apk full download. Technology atau Jurnal Teknik Sipil). Jasa kalibrasi alat ukur. Ilmu ukur tanah didefinisikan ilmu yang mengajarkan tentang teknik-teknik / cara-cara pengukuran dipermukaan bumi dan bawah tanah dalam areal yang terbatas (±20’-20’ atau 37 km x 37 km) untuk keperluaan pemetaan dll.

  1. A goose and a golden egg.
  2. Students’ own idea
  3. Students’ own idea


  1. a countryman
  2. the nest of his goose
  3. an egg all yellow
  4. second thought
  5. an egg of pure gold
  6. the same thing
  7. all the gold
  1. The countryman’s goose.
  2. In the nest of his goose.
  3. All yellow and glittering.
  4. Because he thought a trick had been played upon him.
  5. It was an egg of pure gold.
  6. His richness.
  7. No, he didn’t.
  8. Being over greedy is dangerous for you and others.
  9. Found, took, going to, throw, give, killed, opened, find, learn.


  1. To tell a story.
  2. Students’ own idea
  3. Because he doesn’t want her sister to wake him up in the middle of the night anymore.
  4. She says, “I give you my word.”
  5. George says, “You’d better keep your promise or I won’t tell you stories anymore.”


  1. They are two lovers.
  2. She wants the man to promise her that he will lover her forever.


2. They are friends
4. The lover
5. because he wanted his friend to eat the fish withhim
7. The lover


  1. wonder
  2. wondering
  3. wondering
  4. really
  5. strange

  1. They two lovers.
  2. They are talking about their plan to see the man’s parents.
  3. Because he is wondering about something.
  4. His parents’ reaction.
  5. She asks him if he is worried about his parents’ reaction.



  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. a pet
  3. dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.
  4. dog

apiece of meat—a running brook—his own shadow—another dog with another piece ofmeat—a snap at the shadow—the piece of meat

Noun Phrases

Describe the noun with more details
1. a piece of meat
2. a running brook
3. his own shadow
4. another dog with anotherpiece of meat
6. the piece of meat

big, delicious
His own bigger more handsome shadow
A quick snap at the shadow

1.A piece of meat.
2.He had to cross aplank lying across a running brook.
4.No, he didn’t. Becausehe opened his mouth and his piece of meat fell down and dropped into the water.
5.keep, steal, carry,cross, look, reflect, make, open, drop.



1.He found great difficultyin getting at the sheep.
2.The skin of the sheephad been flayed and thrownaside.
3.He led a lamb a littleapart andsoon made a meal off her.


1.‘The Faithful Lovers’refers to the maiden and the hunter.
3.When he sprang intothe river and lay down in the water. The friend came and was amazed to seethat the lover was now a fish from his feet to his middle.
5.Students’ own idea.
7.The maiden would neverget married and the man left the river so that the people might descend intheir canoes.
8.In the past time. Thestory begins with: There once lived.
9.The following story,each of you, real meaning of love, many admirers, all the young men, her skinbucket, a young man, a good hunter, a mean family, a long time, a war party of seven, six other young men, a beautifullake, the foot of a green knoll, green grass, one ofthe lover’s friends, the top of the knoll, agigantic turtle, a few moments, heavy hearts, some days, The following day, afish which he had cleaned, all the water that he could drink, great mourning,the death of the five young men, the lost lover, a great fish, great labor, thechief’s daughter, her mother’s tepee, lots of things, three pairs of moccasins,three pairs of leggings, three belts, three shirts, three head dresses withbeautiful feathers, sweet smelling tobacco, the great fish, his broad spine.


1.Every morning,the bear would call over to the rabbit and ask the rabbit to take his bow andarrows and come with the bear to the other side of the hill.The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing,consented and went with the bear. The rabbit shot enough buffalo to satisfy thebear’s family. Indeed, he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meatleft after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all theycould carry home. However, the bear was so greedy and evil that he didn’tallow the rabbit to get any of the meat. The poor rabbit could not even tastethe blood from the butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood anddry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’swork.
3.Students’ own idea.
Once upon a time there lived asneighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot and the bear, beingvery clumsy, could not use an arrow to a good advantage.
The bear was very unkind to the rabbit. Every morning, thebear would call over to the rabbit and ask the rabbit to take his bow andarrows and come with the bear to the other side of the hill.
The rabbit, fearing to arouse thebear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear. The rabbit shotenough buffalo to satisfy the bear’s family. Indeed, he shot and killed so manythat there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loadedthemselves and packed all they could carry home.
However, the bear was so greedy andevil that he didn’t allow the rabbit to get any of the meat. The poor rabbitcould not even taste the blood from the butchering, as the bear would throwearth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungryafter his hard day’s work.
Thebear was the father of five children. The youngest boy was very kind to therabbit. Knowing that the youngest boy was a very hearty eater, the mother bearalways gave him an extra large piece of meat. Instead of eating this extrameat, the youngest bear would take the meat outside and pretend to play ballwith it, kicking it toward the rabbit's house, and when he got close to thedoor he would give the meat such a great kick that it would fly into therabbit's house. In this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to thepapa bear.


Find out:
  1. Halloween.
  2. Every year.
  3. The annual cycle of seasons in Europe is spring, summer, winter and fall or autumn.
  4. According to the second paragraph ÔSamhainÕ was the spirit of those who had died.
  5. The spirit of those who had diedin the preciding year roamed the earth.
  6. People.
  7. The main idea of paragraph 3 is the mixture between local Samhain customs and their pagan harvest festival.
  8. Paragraph 4 tells us about small magical beings in Halloween mischief.
  9. The story of symbols of Halloween had a close relationship with the images of witches.
  10. Students’ own idea.



What do you think?

  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Picture 1 describes the wind while picture 2 describes the sun.
  3. The wind blows, while the sun shines.
  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.


  1. The Sun.
  2. They want to be the strongest.
  3. They want to take off the traveler’s cloak using their strength.
  4. Because he couldn’t take off the traveler’s cloak even though he had blown very hard.
  5. The lesson we can learn from the story is kindness is moreeffectivethan severity.


Well,one day the Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger.
TheWind and the Sun saw a traveler coming down the road.
TheSun said that he saw a way to decide their dispute. Whichever of them couldcause that traveler to take off his cloak should be regarded as the stronger.
Sothe Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it couldupon the traveler.
Butthe harder he blew the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak round him,till at last the Wind had to give up in despair.
Thenthe Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon foundit too hot to walk with his cloak on.


Find out:
  1. The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey.
  2. The man, the boy, the donkey, a countryman, two women, a group of men, the passers, the laughers, an old man.
  3. Because they were walking along by the donkey.
  4. Because he thought the countryman was right that a donkey was to ride upon.
  5. No, it’s not true that the boy let his father walk while he rode.
  6. The main purpose of the story is to tell us that sometimes we don’t need to listen to what people say.


  1. The man should have let the donkey stay at home.
  2. The man could have made his son go to the market alone.
  1. The man’s son should have got his father not to listen to others.
  2. The donkey should have should have got his master go to the market alone
  3. A group of men should have let the man do whatever he wanted to.
  4. Two women should have let the man ride the donkey alone
  5. The passer by should have let them solve their own problem
  6. The boy should have got his donkey sold.
  7. The old man should have let people say whatever they wanted to say.
  8. The man and his son should have got the donkey to stay at home.


Saying verbs: calling out, complained, said

Actionverbs: tended, rushed, came, stayed,tried, help, made


  1. I wish I knew his name.
  2. I’d rather you went now.
  3. I would have helped you if only I heard about your trouble.
  4. If only he did not eat so much garlic!
  5. If only he hadn’t eaten so much chili last night.
  6. I felt as if my head had been on fire last night.
  7. The countryman acted as though he had been a wise man.
  8. The man wished he hadn’t killed the Goose.
  9. The dog wouldn’t have dropped his meat if only he had not opened his mouth.
  10. He acted as if he had never met her.


Indirect Speech
  1. “good news, good news!” he cried.
  2. “Why, what is that?” said the Cock.
  1. “King Lion has declared a universal truce. No beast may hurt a bird henceforth, but all shall dwell together in brotherly friendship.

  1. “Why, that is a good news,” said the Cock., “and there I see someone coming, with whom we can share the good tidings.”
  1. “What is it you see?” said the Fox.

  1. “It is only my master’s dog that is coming towards us. Hey, why are you going so soon?
  1. He cried ‘good news’ twice.
  2. The Cock asked why and what was that.
  3. The Fox said that King Lion has declared a universal truce. And no beast might hurt a bird henceforth, but all should dwell together in brotherly friendship.
  4. The Cock said why that was a good news and he saw someone coming, with whom they could share the good tidings.
  1. The Fox asked what it was the Cock saw.

  1. The Cock said that it was only his master’s dog that was coming towards them and asked why the Fox was going so soon.


  1. “Why do I have to eat these awful vegetables?” Alison asked.
  2. “Our medicine is unfavorable,” said their leader at last. “We shall have to return home.”
  3. “No,” said the young lover. “It looks mysterious. Sit still and finish your smoke.”
  4. “Oh, come on. Who’s afraid?” said the jester laughing.
  5. “I will sleep awhile,” he said, “for I am weary and worn out.”
  6. “Help us, drag us away,” they cried.
  7. “I will go down to the water and see if I can get some fish.”
  8. “No, you eat it. Let me rest,” said the lover.
  9. “Very well,” said the lover. “I will eat the fish with you, but you must first make me a promise.”
  10. “Oh, I am tired. Can’t you go to the river by yourself?” asked his friend.



  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.

2.a. Jack’s mother: apoor woman, soft, kind
Abutcher: smart, rich
3.Jack never paidattention to anything she said.
4.Because Jack exchangedthe cow for a few paltry beans.
6.Students’ own idea.
a.In the beginning, Jackran downstairs into the garden.
c.At the top, he saw acastle with a huge door and pushed it.
d.After that, he openedit and saw lots of delicious food and ate it.
e.While eating, Jackheard someone snoring loudly, then he jumped and grabbed some coins from thefloor.
f.Then, he ran fast andclimbed back down the beanstalk.
7.I wish I could buy abetter house.
I wish my mother were happy to have lots of coins.
I would buy my mother lots of good food if it could make herhappy.


1.To entertain or amusethe readers.
3.Orientation (paragraph1)
Complication(paragraph 2,4,6,,8,10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
4.Students’ own idea.
6.Sell, exchange, made,kicked, etc.
7.The days of KingAlfred, an only child, the consequence of her blind, etc.
8.In the days of KingAlfred, For the first time in her life, for a few paltry, beans, etc.
10.Possible answers:
Direct speech:Jack called out, “Help! Help! Mother, quick, bring the axe!”
Indirect speech: The butcher inquired why he was taking thecow from home.



1.Students’ own idea.
3.Students’ own idea.
5.Students’ own idea.


Find out:
What are they? Write here
4.What you really mean
6.Adding things
2.Guess what….
6.Oh, I almost forgot.
8.See you and good luck.


1.By the way: Someone’sis about to change the topic of the conversation.
3.I still don’t get it:The person still doesn’t understand the matter well.
5.No problem: It’s OK.



1.In an office.
3.About one person’swish to get some peace.
4.Because he would havea presentation the next day.
5.He was sorry andwished the man luck. He said, “I’m sorry. So, I wish you luck!”


  1. Where are you going?
  2. I hope it goes O.K.
  3. present
  4. well
  5. Thank you

  1. A remedial test.
  2. They are students and they are friends.
  3. Good fortune be with you; I hope it goes O.K.
  4. A presentation.
  5. They are a teacher and a student.
  6. Because they want their friends to be successful.


1.In the classroom.
3.They are talking aboutthe use of OHP for presentation.
5.Be quiet.

G.TRY THIS you have any suggestion?
4.What do you think

1.They are friends.
2.In dialog 1 they aretalking about presentation; in dialog 2 they are talking about a plan to go todinner.
4.Susan and Tina.
5.Do you have anysuggestion?; Where should I take her afterdinner? How about Padang?;You’ve to go to the Paradise Club.


1.A process of waxcasting used in making sculpture.
2.A process of waxcasting used in making sculpture.
4.4 stages.
5.To explain theprocesses involved in the formation of sociocultural phenomena.
6.Yes, I do. (Hello,guess what., right, well, let, okay. Is it clear?, See you and good luck)
7.Used, coated, encased,melted, removed, poured, broken, produced.
The solidified wax is encased in a two-layer mold ofplaster or clay.
It is then melted or otherwiseremoved from the mold.
Metal is poured into the space wherethe wax had been.
After cooling, the mold is broken tofree the metal object.
This ancient method is used to produce sculpture,jewelry, and utilitarian products such as dentures.
10.Yes, because CirePerdue still exists up to now.



1.Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulpand paper products from forest trees.
2.The first stage ofwood chipping is to cut down the tops and branches of trees.
a.Cutdown the tops and branches of trees.
c.Remove the bark of the logs (At the mill).
d.Take the logs to achipper to be cut into small pieces called woodchips.
e.Screen the woodchipsto remove dirt and otherimpurities.
(this stage they are either exported in this form orchanged into the pulp by chemicals and heat.)
g.Finallyroll the pulp out to make paper.
5.To explain theprocesses involved in the formation.
6.Yes. (Okay, Right, Andhow about, Well, Next. Oh, I almost forgot, finally, let’s, Thank you and bye.)
7.Obtain, cut out,taken, removed, screened, exported, changed, bleached, rolled out, use
8.Yes. (woodchips,impurities, complexity, chemicals)
9.What is paper madeof?; Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out; Then the logs aretaken to the mill;At the mill the barkof the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them intosmall pieces called woodchips; The wood chips are then screened to remove dirtand other impurities; Mmm at this stage they are either exported in this formor changed into the pulp by chemicals and heat; The pulp is then bleached andthe water content is removed; Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.




7.chemical energy
11.synthesize glucose
13.light energy

2.Students’ own ideas
4.Students’ own ideas


Generic Structure

General Statement



Okay, do you know who or what helps your body take oxygen from the air ? Right. Respiratory system. Can you tell me the most important organs in the respiratory system? Yes, your nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.
Respiratory System, in anatomy and physiology, are organs that deliver oxygen to the circulatory system for transport to all body cells. The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide in a two-phase process called respiration.
The first phase of respiration begins with breathing in, or inhalation. Inhalation brings air from outside the body into the lungs. Oxygen in the air moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the heart, which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. Oxygen then moves from the bloodstream into cells, which completes the first phase of respiration. In the cells, oxygen is used in a separate energy-producing process called cellular respiration, which produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct.
The second phase of respiration begins with the movement of carbon dioxide from the cells to the bloodstream. The bloodstream carries carbon dioxide to the heart, which pumps the carbon dioxide-laden blood to the lungs.
In the lungs, breathing out, or exhalation, removes carbon dioxide from the body, thus completing the respiration cycle. Do you understand so far? Well sorry. Time is up so see you tomorrow. Bye.
Find out:
1.They are the mostimportant organs in the respiratory system.
3.Two phases.
4.The first phase ofrespiration occurs in the lungs.
5.First inhalationbrings air from outside the body into the lungs. Then oxygen in the air movesfrom the lungs through blood vessels to the heart. After that, the heart pumpsthe oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. Finally oxygen moves from thebloodstream into cells, which completes the first phase of respiration.
6.First carbon dioxidemoves from the cells to the bloodstream. Then the bloodstream carries carbondioxide to the heart which pumps the carbon dioxide-laden blood to the lungs.
7.To explain theprocesses involved in the formation or working of natural phenomena.
8.Yes. (okay, right, canyou tell me, do you understand so far?)
9.In the cells, oxygenis used in a separate energy-producing process called cellular respiration,which produces carbon dioxide as a by product.


1.Yes, I have.
3.Yes. Sometimes I findthem on the table.
5.Yes, I can.
7.No. It will be veryimpolite.

Should do
1.I should place my napkin on my lap.
1.I shouldn’t put my napkin on the table during the meal.
3.I shouldn’t eat with my elbows on the table.
5.I shouldn’t talk when my mouth is full.
6.I shouldn’t wave my knife and fork in the air as I talk.



Whatdo you think?
1.Yes, I have. Malariais an infectious disease which is caused by an one-called parasite which isknown as Plasmodium.

B.ACTIVE READING infectious disease
3.the bite of the femaleAnopheles mosquito
5.its life cycle
7.two new cells blood cells cells
13.the mosquito’s stomach


  1. By the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito.
  2. The first phase of life cycle of the Malaria Parasite is when it isinfected a female Anopheles mosquito.
  3. The life cycle of the Malaria parasite begins again when Mosquito infected with the malaria parasite bites human, passing cells called sporozoites into the human’s bloodstream.
  4. In red blood cells, merozoites grow and divide to produce more merozoites, eventually causing the red blood cells to rupture.


1.Malaria is an infectiousdisease caused by a one-celled parasite known as Plasmodium.
2.A mosquito infectedwith the malaria parasite bites human, passing cells called sporozoites intohuman’s bloodstream.
3.Each sporozoiteundergoes asexual reproduction, in which its nucleus splits to form two new cells,called merozoites.
4.Sound recording andreproduction are technology used to record, store, and play back sounds.
5.Inside a microphone isa thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm, suspended in a magneticfield.


6.sound recording and reproduction
Computer,instruction, CPU
Nose, mouth, lungs
Pulp, paper product, forest trees
Sea wave, ocean floor, earthquake

C. used broken used removed, aretaken bleached, isremoved




1.Metal is poured intothe space where the wax had been.
2.The mold is broken tofree the metal object after it is cooling.
3.The wood chippingprocess begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forestcalled a coup.
4.At the mill, the barkof the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts theminto small pieces called woodchips.
5.Do you know who orwhat helps your body take oxygen from the air?
6.The bloodstreamcarries carbon dioxide to the heart which pumps the carbon dioxide-laden bloodto the lungs.
7.Respiration System inanatomy and physiology are organs that deliver oxygen to the circulatory systemfor transport to all body cells.
8.In the cells, oxygenis used in a separate energy-producing process called respiration which producescarbon dioxide as a by product.


3.Fertilization, whichis a precise period in the reproductive process, begins when the sperm contactsthe outer surface of the egg and it ends when the sperm’s nucleus fuses withthe egg’s nucleus.
4.After nuclear fusion,the fertilized egg is called a zygote. When the zygote divides to a two-cellstage, it is called an embryo.
5.When a cell undergoes,meiosis gametes are formed.
6.During sperm and eggfusion in fertilization, the full amount of genetic material is restored.
7.As soon asfertilization is complete, the zygote that is formed has a complete set ofchromosomes containing genetic information from both parents.
8.In general, it isfertilization that sets the egg on an irreversible pathway of cell division andembryo development.



  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.
Teknik elektro


1.Sound recording is oneof two separate processes used to record, store and play back sounds.
2.The first stageofsound recording isto pick up sound waves in the air by usingmicrophone.
3.Four stages. First, torecord sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in theair into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallicsurface, called a diaphragm, that is suspended in a magnetic field. When asound wave reaches the microphone, the air pressure changes around thediaphragm, causing the diaphragm to move. This movement within a magnetic fieldcreates an electrical signal. The signal is then transferred to a storagemedium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record.
4.Reproduction is one oftwo separate processes used to record, store and play back sounds.
5.To reproduce sound, aplaying device, such as a CD player, cassette deck, orphonograph accesses the stored data.The playing device reads the data andconverts the information back into electric energy. The electricalsignal is sent toa loudspeaker,which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field in much the same way as amicrophone’s diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a disturbancein the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the magnetic field causethe diaphragm to move. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in,creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originallyrecorded.
6.To explain theprocesses involved in the formation. record, store, playback, uses, pick up, changes, converted, coded, retrieve,sent, suspended, reaches, move,creates, transferred, to reproduce, accesses, reads, cause, pushes out, pullsin, creating, to recreate, play, provide, make.
9.a. The pressurechanges associated with the waves are converted into electrical signals, whichcan be coded and stored for future access.
b.The signals are thensent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into sound.
c.Inside a microphone isa thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm, that is suspended in amagnetic field.
d.The signal is thentransferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD),or a phonograph record.
e.The electrical signalis sent to a loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field inmuch the same way as a microphone’s diaphragm is housed.
f.Whether it wasrecorded yesterday or many years ago.
10.sound recording, playback sounds, electrical signals, microphones, sound waves, acoustic, diaphragm,magnetic field, storage medium, etc.
12.Possible answer:
When a sound wave reaches the microphone,the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm tomove.
13.Yes, because studiorecording session still exists up to now.


2.Because of the toll ofthe victims and the death.
4.Students’ own idea.


A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast-traveling wave grows very large.
Tsunamis occur when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the Earth’s crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the land.
Tsunamis wash ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning, and damage to property.


1.Tsunamis occur when amajor fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips.
3.The ocean waves
4.Severe flooding, lossof lives due to drowning, and damage to property.
6.Generated, reaches,shallow, slips, pushes, spread out, move across, reach, increases, wash.
8.Yes. Because it talksabout facts.
9.a very large sea wave,shallow water, this fast-traveling wave, a major fault, the ocean floor, Thedisplaced rock, a giant paddle, powerful water waves, the vicinity of theearthquake, etc.
10.4. Tsunami,earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption


1.Two women working witha computer.
2.Ms. Words,Ms. Excel, Internet Explorer, OutlookExpress, Power Point, Access, etc.
3.At the offices,Internet boutiques, libraries, etc.


  1. promote
  2. want
  3. games
  4. computers
  5. socialize
  6. facts
  7. regulate

  1. About computers.
  2. No, because she thinks computer lessons do not promote physical activity.
  3. No, because she thinks that computers help people a lot in the information age.
  4. Computers have more advantages than disadvantages.
  5. Possible answers:
Advantages: It helps people handle so much work in the office, itenables police regulate the trafficlight, it enable people communicate with each other in different places.
Disadvantages: It doesn’t promote physical activities, itaddicts people.






  1. exploring
  2. stretch
  3. activities
  5. take sides
  6. object
  7. dare
  8. proud
  9. forgers
  10. brilliant
  11. treachery
  12. conspiracy
  13. wealth
1.A hacker is apersonwho enjoys exploring the detailsof programmable systems on computers and they like to stretch the capability ofthe systems.
2.The activities thehackers do in the computers are called hacking.
4.Paragraph 6
5.Hackers sometimes helpthe police catch the ‘white collar criminals’, such as; corruptors, bankrobbers, or credit card forgers.
6.Some hackers use theirbrilliant skills to break in banks and other vital institutions where they canget money, where they can destroy information and the worst thing is they getthe secret information and sell it to another country.
7.The writer doesn’ttake sides. I personally think thathackers are no bad guys with their brilliant skills. On the other handthey could be bad guys because of money orientation to get wealth. That’s justthe point.
8.He/she only wants totell the reader about the facts of hacking and hackers from its positive sideand negative side.


  1. c
  2. j
  3. d
  4. h
  5. e
  6. b
  7. g
  8. i
  9. a
  10. f


  1. The purpose of communication is to exchange ideas.
  2. A transactional dialogue is a dialogue that use certain expressions to achieve the target of the communication.
  3. Students’ own idea.
  4. Students’ own idea.
  5. Students’ own idea.


  1. An interpersonal dialogue (statements and responses)
§Look at this article about teeth.
§That’s what causes toothache.
§They did tests on monkey and it’s completely safe.
§They are going to give it to all kids when they are three.
  • Teeth?
  • Really? I can’t believe that’s possible.
  • I know that.
  • That’s good news.
  • What a clever idea.


  1. d
  2. b
  3. a
  4. g
  5. c
  6. e
  7. f


I over slept this morning.
I sent an SMS to the wrong person.
I got choked yesterday.
I was thrown out of my rent-house.
What did you expect? You went to bed too late last night.
It serves you right. You always careless about sending an SMS.
It’s your own fault. You never chew your food well.
I admit I was wrong.

You’re right. It was my own fault.


  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.


1.It’s about X-rayexamination.
3.In a hospital.
4.When they finddiseases in the internal parts of the patients’ bodies.
5.Cancer, kidneytrouble, heart trouble, tumor, etc.
7.If doctors don’t usethe X-Ray, they will miss some important information which is very useful inmaking a diagnose on the patient’s disease. And this will sometimes cause thedoctor inaccurate in prescribing the medicine to cure the illness.
8.Yes, the radiation ofX-Ray has some risks to the body tissues.
10.Many people areplanning a traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care.


Find out:
1.To present informationand opinions about more than one side of an issue (‘for’ points and ‘against’points).
3.Issue, Argument ‘for’point and Argument ‘against’ point and the last is conclusion.
§Issue contains openingstatement. It’s about the topics that we are going to discuss.
§The ‘for’ point saysabout the evidence from the positive sides.
§The ‘negative’ pointsays about the evidence from the negative sides.
§The conclusion is onlya brief summary of the two different point, but the writer or the speaker maynot take sides.
4.Impartial. Because thespeaker doesn’t say that the ‘for’ point is good or the ‘against’ point is bad.


Body tissues
Do you know
I mean
Oh, come on….
Asking for information
A surprising fact
Return to the topic
Right or wrong
Checking gambits




Argument “against Point

First of all, I would like to thank the organizing committee for giving me the opportunity to say a few words at this seminar. In this occasion I’d like to speak about “Abortion : pro and contra”. As you see, there has been a great deal of discussion on the problem of abortion in this country and abroad. The discussion includes: is abortion legal or illegal?,is abortion morally justified or not? But in this discussion I would like to talk from different side.
To begin with, let me say that abortion is one of the method of birth control.
Let’s look at the fact about the population problem in a country. When a country faces the problems of population explosion, the government should find methods to solve it. But since no methods of contraception is one hundred percent effective and successful, abortion becomes the only way out when prevention fails.
On the other hand, abortion may cause many negative effects for women’s health.
Women risk their health and lives in bearing the weight of the operation and its consequences. The most common complications are inflammation, interruption of menstrual patterns, infertility, endometriosis, myoma of the uterus and many other kind of ovary illnesses.
So far, abortion becomes a dilemma for countries with a large number of citizens. One the one hand, it can control the birthrate but on the other hand, it brings terrible consequences, especially for the women’s health.
1.Because abortion isone method of birth control.
2.Because abortion maycause many negative effects for women’s health.


1.Because British arereserved. They are quiet people, don’t like intruding on another person’s personalspace and they value privacy very much. They are not very generous with theirsmiles.
2.No, it isn’t. In Indonesiafriendliness is expressed by smiles. You are always surrounded by people who donot hesitate to give you big smiles.
3.Because they don’t alwaysspeak with standard pronunciation.
5.Students’ own idea.


  1. Yes.
  2. Nuclear energy provides: the Atomic Bomb,the Hydrogen Bomb, the power for electricity.
  3. Students’ own idea.


  1. Nuclear energy is the only feasible choice to answer the ever-increasing energy needs.
  2. The waste of nuclear products can completely destroy the environment and human lives.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. E


  1. g
  2. d
  3. b
  4. f
  5. c
  6. a


  1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.
  2. Despite what I said last night, I didn’t get angry with you.
  1. In spite of working hard all day, he didn’t get enough salary.
  2. I didn’t get a job, even though I had all the necessary qualifications.
  3. She seems quite healthy, although she smokes 20 cigarettes a day.
Althoughand in spite ofare followed bysentences.

Pengertian Ilmu Ukur Tanah

  1. In spite of
  2. Although
  3. In spite of
  4. Although
  5. although

  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.
  4. Students’ own idea.
  5. Students’ own idea.


1.Despite his Frenchname, he is in fact an American.
2.Although her foot wasinjured, she managed to walk home.
3.In spite of the lowsalary, I decided to accept the job.
4.I’ll keep doing thework whatever it may cause me a lot suffering.
5.No matter how busy weare, we never forget to pray everyday.
6.Even though I haven’teaten for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry.
8.They still try hard,even if it is impossible to finish the work.
9.In spite of hisfailure in his exams, he was trying to smile.
10.Tono attended hisfriend’s party. His mother was ill, though.
9.quietly, accidentally

2.Frankly, I don’t knowwhat I’d have done without him.
3.Luckily, John didn’thurt himself when he fell off his motorbike.
5.Generally/Typically,an overdose of this pill is fatal.


Connectives to show addition
Connectives to show consequence
Connectives to show comparison


  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.


  1. Solar energy.
  2. Because we can get abundant source from the sun.
  3. Electricity for businesses and industry; heat, light and hot water for homes.
  4. Yes.
  5. The most important device to harness the sun’s energy are relatively expensive.


1.To present informationand opinions about more than one side of an issue (‘for’ points and ‘against’points)
3.Issue, argument ‘for’point and argument ‘against’ point and the last is conclusion.
Issuecontains opening statement. It’s about the topics we are going to discuss.
The‘for’ point says about the evidence from the positive sides.
The‘negative’ point says about the evidence from the negative sides.
Theconclusion is only a brief summary of the two different points, but the writeror the speaker may not take sides.
4.Impartial. Because thespeaker doesn’t say that the ‘for’ point is good or the ‘against’ point is bad.
Solar batteries
Sun’s radiation
Solar ponds


“for” argument

“against” argument

Argument “against' point


In this modern era, technology has developed into such a certain degree that scientists are able to create new forms of life. One of them is CLONING. The debate whether cloning at animals is allowed or not seems never endless.
Those who agree with the cloning at animals usually argue that the seed produced from them can be used to everlasting rare species. They also adds that cloning has a purpose to produce high quality of CELLS.
Many species are becoming rare and rare. Scientists are concerned if they don’t do something to save the species, these animals will be extinct forever from the world and this means a big loss in the animal kingdom. For this reason, researchers improve the cloning technology so that many rare species can be successfully cloned.
However, not everyone is excited about cloning at animals, however. Some people feel that it could have terrible consequences.
For example, if Dinosaurs are cloned, then men will be destroyed. It is clear that the ferocious beasts cannot live together with humans. In history, these creatures lived several thousand years before men appeared. Can you imagine these giant killing creatures live within the same era and in the same planet with us?
As a result of this controversy, people still haven’t got the answer yet for cloning at animals. While some members of the scientific community think that the banning of cloning technology will destroy the creativity of science.


Nowadays, the videogame industry is developing rapidly. Itbecomes a multi-billion dollar industry. Video games become an important partof not only the children’s life but also the adults. Nevertheless, thereisan argument whether video games havegood or bad influences on children.
Video games are important to kill children’s boredom, torefresh their mind after a tiring school day. It can make them more creativebecause the games provide challenging ways to win.
Some children, however, spend most of their time to playgames. Those games also bring bad influence to them. The children are often toomuch exposed to violence in their childhood.
In the USA,a couple of years ago, a student shot his teacher and some of his friends.Newspaper said that the boy was deeply influenced by the actions in the videogames he used to play with.
Video games also make children lazy. Most of them preferplaying videao games to studying.


Argument “for” point: Elaboration

Argument “against” point: Elaboration


Credit cards has many advantages as a means of payment. The most practical benefit of this magical plastic card is that the cardholders don’t need to carry cash. Our credit cards enable us to get cash inn advance from an authorized bank or from an ATM. Yet, with all its benefits, having a credit card involves some risks.
It is likely to happen that cardholders tend to spend more money than he or she should, or can afford to. Cards come in handy when we buy on impulse. With a credit card, we can pay for things in an emergency without having to wait for our end-of-month paycheck. Who isn’t lured by the “buy-now-pay-later” concept? Actually, when you use a credit card, you buy on credit, which means that you have to pay interest. And like all other bank loans, your debts will swiftly add up when you fail to make the regular monthly payments.
Students’ own idea.



Whatdo you think?
  1. They are having a demonstration.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.


  1. wrong
  2. believe
  3. upset
  4. good
  5. wonder
  6. behaved
  7. miss
  8. know
  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F


  1. A personal narrative text.
  2. Because it’s a narrative that talks about personal life.
  3. When Annie talks about the problem of her brother.
  4. A sad ending.
  5. No.





    • I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
    • I wouldn’t do such a thing if I were in your position.
    • I understand your situation, but it’s too risky if you do that
§I wouldn’t do such astupid thing if I were in your position.
§I understand yourfeeling hurt, but it’s stupid if you decide not to go to school anymore.


  1. It was a busy day as usual.
  2. In the street.
  3. In the morning.
  4. A protest was taking place.
  5. An outcry against the issue of the ‘Playboy’ magazine Indonesian version.
  6. Awful.

  1. Adit’s marriage proposal.
  2. A debate about a marriage proposal.
  3. Because he is nice to her.
  4. Because Adit has cancelled his wedding with Mer’s cousin.
  5. He was speechless.
  6. Students’ own idea.


  1. A word formed from the initial syllables or letters of other words or phrases.
  2. Acronym is a word formed from the initial syllables or letters of other words or phrases, while abbreviation is commonly read letter-by-letter.
    • ADIDAS (e)
    • NATO (a)
    • NOVA (b)
    • ADAM (c)
    • FAST (g)
    • FIRST (d)
    • NEAR(h)
    • TEAM (f)



Whatdo you think:
  1. He is the most outstanding figure in English literature.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. As You Like It, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Merchant from Venice, etc.


  1. ruled
  2. seized
  3. had
  4. fled
  5. lived
  6. shared
  7. lived
  8. loved
  9. had
  10. was
  11. was
  12. was
  13. wanted
  14. were
  15. were
  16. grieved
  17. missed
  18. knew
  19. did

  1. b
  2. d
  3. a
  4. c


  1. At the court.
  2. Charles was a wrestler. He was strong and skillful.
  3. Charles’ fourth opponent was a noble and handsome youth, much younger than Charles.


  1. b
  2. b
  3. b
  4. a
  5. b


  1. greedy
  2. nasty
  3. long
  4. melodious
  5. afraid
  6. great
  7. easy
  8. kind
  9. hungry
  10. wide
  11. thankful

  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. e


Direct Speech
“Good morning, Miss Crane.”
“I need your help.”
“O, please, Miss Crane. Let bygones be bygones.”
“Now I need your help badly,” said the wolf and stepped forward.
He said good morning to Miss Crane.
He said that he needed help.
He begged Miss Crane to forget what had passed.
The wolf stepped forward and said that he needed her help badly.

A longbill, soft and melodious sound, a great trouble, a kind reward


That,when, and, if, then


Adverb of time
Adverb of manner

Near a pond
In my mouth


Action related to the crane
Kill, eat, try, complain, say, go, look for, find, greet, step forward, reply, laugh, stop, snap, exclaim
Hate, fly, say, cry out, step backwards, ask, put, draw


  1. b
  2. a
  3. e


  1. c
  2. a
  3. a
  4. c
  5. d
  6. a
  7. e


  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.
  4. Students’ own idea.


  1. Book
  2. Movie
  3. TV Show
  4. Plays
  5. Music


Meilisa isreading a movie review about “Jurassic Park” when Arinda comesto visit her.
Arinda: Hello, how are you?
Arinda: Yup. I want to go somewhere to relaxbut ….
Meilisa: What about watching “Jurassic Park”at the Plaza theater? It would be great.
Arinda :That’s a good idea. Don’t you think any movie directed by Steven Spielberg willbe amazing. By the way, who are the actors ?
Arinda: And what is the movie about?
Meilisa:Have you see n “Jurassic Park 1”? It’s about an island populated with realdinosaurs.
Meilisa: No, it was released in 1997 but it’sstill popular.
Meilisa: Right. I think you should read thisreview before deciding whether
Arinda: Thanks. It might be very good. Ascientist built a dinosaur theme park o a remote island? Dinosaurs? I don’tbelieve it in word. They must be very crazy to take the beasts to Los Angeles, California.Let’s go now Mel, I can’t wait.
Meilisa: But you have to wait until tomorrow at3 p.m
Meilisa: Sorry, pal. Calm down. Hey, what aboutanother movie?
Arinda: No, thanks.Oh, I almost forgot. I have to call my mother. Bye, Mel. See you

  1. asking for opinion
  2. expressing attitude
  3. expressing personal opinion
  4. what you really mean
  5. right or wrong
  6. offering a suggestion
  7. expressing agreement
  8. expressing apology
  9. leave-taking
What about “Jurassic Park” at the Plaza theater?
I don’t believe it in a word.
That’s a good idea.


  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. Students’ own idea.
  3. Students’ own idea.


  1. Students’ own idea.
  2. The information about the film, including who play in the movie, what the movie is about, etc.
  3. Students’ own idea.


  1. review
  2. released
  3. dinosaurs
  4. weather
  5. a science fiction
  6. aero plane
  7. See you

  1. F
  2. T
  3. F
  4. T
  5. F


2.Students’ own idea.
4.Jurassic Park I.
5.To critique an artwork or event for a public audience.
6.Good morning, welcomeback with me, Do you still remember? reat!, Well, Okay, I’d be glad to,Tobe perfectly frank, Anyway.
7.Particularparticipant. Jurassic Park 2 the lost world.
9.The highest praise.
10.Title-Orientation-InterpretativeRecount-Evaluation-Evaluative Summation.


  1. bunch
  2. humorous
  3. e-mails
  4. ends up
  5. gorgeous
  6. debut
  7. amusing
  8. novel

  1. The Guy Next Door.
  2. Ully
  3. Orientation-Interpretative Recount-Evaluation-Evaluative Summation.


Evaluative Summation
The Guy Next Door

A novel normally consists of chapters. But you will find none in this book. Why? Because it consists of e-mails. Yep, you read me right, they are a bunch of e-mails from people who keep in touch with each other and talk about all kinds of seemingly unrelated things, which somehow share a common thread, in a humorous way.
Melissa Fuller is a journalist working for the New York Journal. From her and her friend’s e-mails, we get the impression that Melissa is an attractive, intelligent, red-haired single girl with a kind heart toward her friends and animals. After an accident and some arrangments, she ends up living next door to a handsome stranger whom she believes is the nephew of her elderly neoghbor. Actually, he is not what he admits he is. But before she knows it, they fall in love with each other. Will she be able to accept the fact that the gorgeous guy next door has been lying to her eventhough they both share the same feelings?
Meggin Cabot alias Meggin Patricia Cabot is also the writer of the successful teenage series The Princess’ Diaries. The Guy Next Door is her debut in the genre of contemporary adult novel. It discusses relationships, working environments, and solving a mystery from many people’s different point of view.
Just like her other books, The Guy Next Door is amusing, refreshing, and enlightening altogether. I wonder what this and other writers will do next, create a novel out of cluster of SMS’s, perhaps? THAT would be cool. Ully


  1. Intercultural communication.
  2. Because she is afraid that her opinion will offend other people who hear it.
  3. Students’ own idea.
American style
-Open minded
-Proud of their nation
-frankly speaking is not a common behavior
-cannot receive other’s opinion, especially when it comes from the young



  1. Brownies
  2. Because of its brown color.
  3. Students’ own idea.
  4. It tastes sweet.
  5. A film.


3.Marcella Zalianty,Bucek Depp, Phillip Jusuf
5.The orientation
7.The story of the filmor the summary. Interpretative recount.
8.Panasonic HighDefinition cameras; the production cost; evaluation summation
10.Students’ own idea.


1.Original – f.First/earliest
3.Make a run – d.Produce
5.Infuse – b. Fill
6.Matinee – a.Performance of arts given in the afternoon
7.Sequel – m. A completestory containing an earlier one
9.Wicked – i. Bad/veryevil
11.Thrills – h. Strongfeeling of happiness or fear
13.Staples – k. Mainproducts


Generic Structure

Evaluation 1

Evaluation 2

Interpretative Recount

Evaluation 3

Evaluation 4

Evaluation Summation
The original 'The Jungle Book' was one of Disney Studios biggest hits and the last Mouse House animation directly supervised by the late, great Walt Disney, himself. That was back in 1967 and it has taken all that time to tell us what happens after the man-cub, Mowgli (voice of Haley Joel Osment), gave up his jungle home and the companionship of his best friend, Baloo (voice of John Goodman), to live with the rules of the human village in 'The Jungle Book 2.'
Disney studios seems to be getting into the habit of taking the second tier sequels of its classics that used to go direct to video, like 'The Little Mermaid 2,' 'Aladdin 2' and ' The Lion King 2,' and making a run at the big screen before the little screen takes over. With such kids' flicks as 'Return to Neverland' and 'The Jungle Book 2' it's nice to see that the effort is being made to infuse these lower budget follow-ups with the same intent and quality, if not the scope, of the originals.
'The Jungle Book 2' is an example of a Disney animation that belongs on the pay-per-view and video store shelves but gives a good enough show to satisfy the Saturday matinee kid crowd. While it doesn't have the number of songs or the original source material (after all, 'TJB' is a Rudyard Kipling story), the screenplay by Karl Geurs does a better than average job of creating a lively sequel.
Mowgli has been living in the safe, boring village since he was adopted by his little buddy Ranjan's (voice of Connor Funk) family and developed a crush on the girl, Shanti (voice of Mae Whitman), who got him to come out of the jungle in the first place. But, Mowgli can't forget his old best friend, Baloo (John Goodman), his beloved papa bear, and the laid back bruin, too, yearns to see his little man-cub pal. Even though the wise panther Bagheera (voice of Bob Joles) does his best to keep Baloo away from his friend, including the use of the dedicated pachyderms of Colonel Hathi's (voice of Jim Cummings) Elephant Patrol, it is all for naught.
Baloo may be simple but he certainly knows his own mind and he is able to get around Bags's defense, sneaks into the village to find his best friend, Mowgli, for a grand reunion. But, the noise over Baloo's quest reaches the ears of the wicked tiger, Shere Khan (voice of Tony Jay), who Mowgli bested in the original. When Baloo enters the village so does Shere Khan and a big commotion ensues with the villagers battling the dreaded tiger while Shanti and Ranjan set in pursuit of the bear and Mowgli, thinking that their friend is in danger. This begins an adventure that has everyone searching for Mowgli, friend and foe alike, with thrills, spills, songs and dance that will be one of the children's entertainment staples on home video.
My only complaint about 'The Jungle Book 2' is that it could have used another song or two. The ones that are here, though, are good fun and well staged to toe tapping pleasure. The hipster 'Jungle Rhythm,' the reprised 'Bare Necessities' and the super-fun, big scale Busby Berkeley-esque swing number, 'W-I-L-D' are great fun to watch and listen to, for kids and adults both.
Vocal characters are uniformly well caste to give continuity to the characters first heard 35 years ago. Haley Joel Osment voices Mowgli with the right note throughout, even when doing a soulful solo rendition of 'Jungle Rhythm.' John Goodman gives just the right, big-hearted, big-sized feel to the original party animal, Baloo, originally voiced by Phil Harris. Brit stage thesp Tony Jay gives the same sleek, sinister and malicious note to Shere Khan the tiger that George Sanders gave in the original. Bob Joles also does a fine reprise of Bagheera, first done by Sebastian Cabot. Mae Whitman and Connor Funk do well as Shanti and Ranjan and veteran John Rhys-Davies gives caring dignity to Mowgli's adopted father. Cummings also gives a good imitation of Sterling Holloway's ssssslithering vocal performance as the sneaky snake Kaa.
Animation is simple with set backgrounds but the quality of the character animation, the fine vocal performances, lively song-and-dance numbers and nice story make 'The Jungle Book 2' a fun thing to see at the theater and worth the wait on home video (but you shouldn't have too long to wait). The kids are going to like it, maybe even love it. I give it a B-.

1.The reviewer compares TheJungle Book 2 with the original one produces in 1967.
2.The original of JungleBook was directly supervised by the late, great Walt Disney.
3.The Jungle Book 2, the second tier sequels, can be enjoyed not only at thebig screen but also the video as well.
4.The Jungle Book 2 doesn’t have the number of songsbecause it has fine vocal performances,lively song-and-dance numbers and nice story.
5.The setting of the animation is simple but it has thequality of the character animation.
6.The kids are going to like The Jungle Book 2 or theoriginal source material.


1.Jurassic Park PartII is motion picture about an islandpopulated with real dinosaurs and it was released in 1997.
2.This science fictionadventure is the sequel to the box-office hit Jurassic Park(1993) where a scientist built a dinosaur theme park on a remote island.
3.Although thosedinosaurs were destroyed, there are some left on another island.
4.Dr. Sarah Harding isplayed by Julianne Moore and Dr. Ian Malcolm is played by Jeff Goldblum whotravel to the island to observe the dinosaurs.
5.Then they try toprevent Roland Tembo (Pete Postlethwaite) from rounding the beasts up sothat they take them to a theme park in the United States.
6.Because the weatherturns bad, the dinosaurs become violent and one of the angry beasts makes hisway to Los Angeles, California.
7.You can make a boat,but you can’t make the ocean.
8.You can make anaeroplane, but you can’t make the air.
1.Simile, because it hassimilar qualities. It uses the word ‘like’.
2.Metaphor, because itbehaves the same. It uses the word ‘is’.
3.Metaphor, because theword ‘drug’ substitutes the words ‘entertainment device’ as if the two behavethe same.
4.Metaphor, because theword ‘upstairs’ replaces the word ‘heaven’, as if you are in ‘God’s home’ andHeaven has the top floor.

Prospek Kerja Teknik Sipil

5.Simile, because theyrun away and scatter in much the same way as pigs running from the sound of agun. Note the word ‘like’.

1. Anoun is a word which is used to refer to a person, or things.
E.g.: salesman, farm, balcony,bicycle, loveand trust.
If you find the ‘a’ or ‘the’before a word, it’s a noun.
Ifyou can make the word plural or singular, it’s a noun.
chair– chairs
watch – watches
bag – bags


Tandi Crawford is an unsatisfiedwoman. Her 13 year marriage has become lonely and loveless after shediscovered her husband’s Jared’s affairs three years ago. The only thingthat has got Tandi through this difficult time is fantasies of her firstlove, Brent Rogers.
After reaching the end of her ropewith her marriage, Tandi leaves Jared, takes her 11 year old sonMichaeland ends up moving into the place she ran away from 18 years before,with her father Glynne Belson.
Now Tandi has to pick up the piecesof her puzzling lifeand learn the hard truth that everythingthat looks good to you is not necessarily good for you.

Although Gone With The Wind was a sortof second choice with the New York Film Critics, its presentation was accordedmore space in newspapers than any motion picture has ever been given. Afterbuying the rights to the novel, David Selznick had attracted attention by hissuggestions for the part of Scarlett O’Hara. The picture was firstpresented publicly in Atlantaand some of the newspapers, including The New York Times, sent staff writers toattend that opening. The accounts were printed on the first pages of someeditions of the afternoon newspapers in large cities all over the country. Gonewith the Wind was launched in two theaters in New York the Astor and the Capitol. In TheNew York Times, the review was spread over four columns with a two-column cutand an added account of the celebrities present. The critic referred to it as‘a handsome, scrupulous, unstinting version of the 1,037-page novel’.



Students’own idea.
1.OST (OriginalSoundtrack)
2.Because the lyricreflects the story in the movie.
3.Because of thechemistry they created with the movie.
4.No movie isperfectwithout musical score and OST ofBrownies has proved it excellent.

Find out:
  1. a
  2. b
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a

The Interpretative Recount

Evaluation 1

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 3

I just watched Spiderman 2 and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It is better than the original because the story has more depth and lots of funny moments too. Frankly speaking, when I walked into the cinema, I thought we were going to watch Finding Nemo 2. The cinema was filled with kids. Not surprising though since the original Sipderman movie was a huge hit.
The story starts with Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), having a tough time with his dual life. Two jobs by day, high expectations in school to boot, and crime fighter by night. No time for his personal life or to follow his dreams. Always exhausted. Always late. He reminds me of Born Loser.
Peter faces problems which many of us do: problems on the job and no money for the rent. The woman he loves, Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) is with someone else. Basically, anything that goes wrong, does. Even as Spiderman, things go wrong as his power vanishes.
The villain, Doc Ock is a multi-dimensional person, somewhat like Norman Osborne in the original Spiderman movie. Originally a good hearted scientist, the unfortunate accident allowed the artificial intelligence in his tentacles to take overand turn him to a formidable villain. Alfred Molina is excellent as Doc Ock, the good scientist, and as the villain whose mind was taken over by the tentacles.
As the story progresses, Peter finds himself that he has to be his own self. With this self confidence, he has to hurry with the time to save Mary Jane because Doc Ock kidnapped the girl.
Unrequited love. The longing glances exchanged. Some of these could have become uncomfortably mushy, but with Tobey’s understated performance and the powerful on screen chemistry between him and Kirsten, these scenes turned out very well.
Tobey Maguire, with his talent in drama, brings out this aspect of the movie beautifully. The process Peter has to go through as he struggles with what he really wants to do with his life. This reminds me somewhat of the TV series Smallville, where young Clark Kent (Superman) struggles with his secret powers.
Rosemary Harris (as Peter’s Aunt May) touches our hearts. She still misses Uncle Ben terribly. A brave old lady who faces life alone, with not enough money to pay the bills. Even then, she is spunky enough to whack Doc Ock. Incidentally, in the comic books, Aunt may almost married Doc Ock.
Spiderman, with his mask on looks emotionless. Kind of boring. In a number of key moments of the movie, you see Spidey without mask. The comic book Spidey would never take off his mask voluntarily, but in the movie, seeing the maskless Spidey’s expressions has a greater impact. You’ll see the actor’s full performance when you see his facial expressions.
Overall, Spiderman 2 is an excellent movie. The plot is excellent. The characters are well developed. The humor is there. Lots of inside jokes. There’s loads of actions too. Consequently, it is fun for the entire family. I intend to see this movie again.
Taken from:

  1. Spiderman 2 is an excellent movie.
-It is better than theoriginal.
-The story has moredepth. Lots of funny moments too.
-Rosemary Harris (asPeter’s Aunt May) touches our hearts.
-Seeing the masklessSpidey’s expressions has a greater impact.
-You’ll see the actor’sfull performance when you see his facial expressions.
-The characters arewell developed.

Teknik Informatika

  1. better, very well, greater, excellent, well developed
  2. Finding Nemo, Spiderman, Smallville. The film viewers were mostly kids, and the actor had a struggle to hide his real identity.
  3. To critique an art work or event for a public audience.

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