Cs 1.6 Aim Cfg Dll Download
Posted on by admin
Cs 1.6 Aim Cfg Dll Download Average ratng: 5,0/5 2265 votes
DATE MAKED: 19.09.2015
TIME: 19:04
bind 'TAB' '+showscores'
bind 'ENTER' '+attack'
bind 'ESCAPE' 'cancelselect'
bind 'SPACE' '+jump'
bind '' '+moveup'
bind '+' 'sizeup'
bind ',' 'buyammo1'
bind '-' 'sizedown'
bind '.' 'buyammo2'
bind '/' '+movedown'
bind '0' 'slot10'
bind '1' 'slot1'
bind '2' 'slot2'
bind '3' 'slot3'
bind '4' 'slot4'
bind '5' 'slot5'
bind '6' 'slot6'
bind '7' 'slot7'
bind '8' 'slot8'
bind '9' 'slot9'
bind ';' '+mlook'
bind '=' 'sizeup'
bind '[' 'invnext'
bind ']' 'invnext'
bind '`' 'toggleconsole'
bind 'a' '+moveleft'
bind 'b' 'buy'
bind 'c' 'radio3'
bind 'd' '+moveright'
bind 'e' '+use'
bind 'f' 'impulse 100'
bind 'g' 'drop'
bind 'h' '+commandmenu'
bind 'i' 'showbriefing'
bind 'j' '+voicerecord'
bind 'k' '+voicerecord'
bind 'm' 'chooseteam'
bind 'n' 'nightvision'
bind 'o' 'buyequip'
bind 'p' 'say /me aXE is the best;say /me'
bind 'q' 'lastinv'
bind 'r' '+reload'
bind 's' '+back'
bind 't' 'impulse 201'
bind 'u' 'messagemode2'
bind 'w' '+forward'
bind 'x' 'radio2'
bind 'y' 'messagemode'
bind 'z' 'radio1'
bind '~' 'toggleconsole'
bind 'UPARROW' '+forward'
bind 'DOWNARROW' '+back'
bind 'LEFTARROW' '+left'
bind 'RIGHTARROW' '+right'
bind 'ALT' '+strafe'
bind 'CTRL' '+duck'
bind 'SHIFT' '+speed'
bind 'F1' 'autobuy'
bind 'F2' 'awp'
bind 'F3' 'player_menu'
bind 'F4' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F5' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F6' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F7' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F8' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F9' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F10' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F11' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'F12' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'INS' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'DEL' 'csf_cheatkey774 DEL'
bind 'PGDN' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'PGUP' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'HOME' 'BLOKED'
bind 'END' 'func_special;quit'
bind 'MWHEELDOWN' 'cl_Crosshair_size large'
bind 'MWHEELUP' '+duck'
bind 'MOUSE1' '+attack'
bind 'MOUSE2' '+attack2'
bind 'MOUSE3' 'cl_crosshair_size small'
bind 'PAUSE' 'pause'
_cl_autowepswitch '1'
_snd_mixahead '0.1'
ati_npatch '1'
ati_subdiv '2'
bgmvolume '1.000000'
bottomcolor '6BSmg4SfgmA'
brightness '6'
cl_allowdownload '1'
cl_allowupload '1'
cl_backspeed '400'
cl_cmdbackup '3'
cl_cmdrate '101'
cl_corpsestay '0'
cl_crosshair_color '255 255 255'
cl_crosshair_size 'small'
cl_crosshair_translucent '0'
cl_dlmax '800'
cl_download_ingame '1'
cl_dynamiccrosshair '1'
cl_forwardspeed '400'
cl_himodels '0'
cl_idealpitchscale '0.8'
cl_lc '1'
cl_logocolor '#Valve_Orange'
cl_logofile 'lambda'
cl_lw '1'
cl_minmodels '0'
cl_radartype '1'
cl_righthand '1'
cl_shadows '0'
cl_timeout '35'
cl_updaterate '101'
cl_vsmoothing '0'
cl_weather '0'
con_color '0 102 255'
console '1.000000'
crosshair '1.000000'
fastsprites '2'
fps_max '99'
fps_modem '101'
gamma '3'
gl_dither '1'
gl_flipmatrix '0'
gl_fog '0'
gl_monolights '0'
gl_overbright '0'
gl_polyoffset '0.1'
hisound '1'
hpk_maxsize '0.01'
hud_capturemouse '1'
hud_centerid '0'
hud_draw '1'
hud_fastswitch '1'
hud_saytext_internal '1'
hud_takesshots '0'
joystick '0'
lookspring '0'
lookstrafe '0'
m_filter '0'
m_forward '1'
m_pitch '0.022'
m_side '0.8'
m_yaw '0.022'
model 'gordon'
MP3FadeTime '2.0'
MP3Volume '0.300000'
mp_decals '20'
net_graph '0'
net_graphpos '1'
net_scale '5'
r_bmodelhighfrac '5.0'
r_detailtextures '0'
s_a3d '0.0'
s_automax_distance '30'
s_automin_distance '2'
s_bloat '2.0'
s_distance '60'
s_doppler '0.0'
s_eax '0.0'
s_leafnum '0'
s_max_distance '1000'
s_min_distance '5'
s_numpolys '200'
s_polykeep '1000000000'
s_polysize '10000000'
s_refdelay '4'
s_refgain '0.4'
s_rolloff '1.0'
s_verbwet '0.25'
sensitivity '6.7'
skin '
spec_autodirector_internal '1'
spec_drawcone_internal '1'
spec_drawnames_internal '1'
spec_drawstatus_internal '1'
spec_mode_internal '2'
spec_pip '0'
suitvolume '0.250000'
sv_aim '0'
sv_voiceenable '1'
team '
topcolor '30'
viewsize '110'
voice_enable '1'
voice_forcemicrecord '1'
voice_modenable '1'
voice_scale '0.680000'
volume '0.8'
setinfo 'ah' '0'
setinfo 'dm' '0'
setinfo '_ah' '0'
setinfo 'mD' '72697554'
setinfo '_vgui_menus' '0'
setinfo 'aim_headshot' '90'
exec userconfig.cfg
•aim_on 1
•aim_autoaim 0
•aim_autoshoot 0
•aim_triggerbot 0
•aim_alternate 0
•aim_shoot 1
•aim_headradius 0
•aim_bodyradius 0
•aim_bodyshape 0
•aim_bodyheight 0
•aim_visrecoil 0
•aim_nospread 1
•aim_smooth 1
•aim_random 1
•aim_lock 0
•aim_fov 360
•aim_team 1
•aim_method 1
•aim_mode 1
•aim_bonespot 0
•aim_drawspot 0
•aim_hitbox 0
•aim_hbdraw 0
•aim_heightadjust 0
•aim_recoil 1
•aim_thru 1
•aim_autowall 0
•aim_autowall_sens 0
•aim_prediction 0
•aim_predahead 1
•aim_predback 0
' ' '>AIMBOT' {ABS}
' ' 'aim&shoot' 'aim 1;shoot 1'
' ' 'just aim' 'aim 1;shoot 0'
' ' 'both off' 'shoot 0;aim 0'
' ' '>BURSTMODE' {
' ' 'continuous fire' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.03;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.0;ftime 1.0;burstflags 0'
' ' 'automatic burst' 'autoburst 1'
' ' 'short bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.5;ftime 0.1;burstflags 0'
' ' 'medium bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.4;ftime 0.2;burstflags 0'
' ' 'fast bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.25;ftime 0.1;burstflags 0'
' ' '>AIM AT' {
' ' 'enemies' 'team 0'
' ' 'friends' 'team 2'
' ' 'everyone' 'team 1'
' ' '>AIMING' {
' ' 'Toker Head' 'tokerhead'
' ' 'Toker Throat' 'tokerthroat'
' ' 'Abs!nthe* High Head' 'avheadb'
' ' 'Abs!nthe* Medium Head' 'avheadf'
' ' 'Abs!nthe* Low Head' 'avhead'
' ' 'g0d Supreme' 'SIRAimSupreme'
' ' 'g0d Aim' 'SIRAim'
' ' 'OGC 4.3 Chest' 'ogc43chest'
' ' 'Bunny771 Head' 'headbunny'
' ' 'Bunny771 Heart' 'heartbunny'
' ' '>MORE AIMING' {
' ' 'Zero-Bad Ass' 'zbadassdone'
' ' 'Zero-Secret' 'zeroHead'
' ' 'Zero-Head' 'newzer0'
' ' 'Zero-Most Head' 'newzero'
' ' 'X-Mib A' 'avheadxm'
' ' 'X-Mib B' 'avheadmm'
' ' 'XHack 1.6 Head' 'xhackhead'
' ' 'Sphere Head1' 'spherehead'
' ' 'CI 3.0 Head' 'ci30head'
' ' '>AIMBOT' {
' ' 'aim&shoot' 'aim 1;shoot 1'
' ' 'just aim' 'aim 1;shoot 0'
' ' 'bone aiming' 'boneaim change'
' ' 'damage aim' 'damageaim change'
' ' 'look aim' 'lookaim change'
' ' 'auto rotation on' 'rotalias_enable 1; rot_reset'
' ' 'auto rotation off' 'rotalias_enable 0'
' ' 'both off' 'shoot 0;aim 0'
' ' '>BURSTMODE' {
' ' 'continuous fire' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.03;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.0;ftime 1.0;burstflags 0'
' ' 'automatic burst' 'autoburst 1'
' ' 'short bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.5;ftime 0.1;burstflags 0'
' ' 'medium bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.4;ftime 0.2;burstflags 0'
' ' 'fast bursts' 'autoburst 0;sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.25;ftime 0.1;burstflags 0'
' ' '>AIM AT' {
' ' 'enemies' 'team 0'
' ' 'friends' 'team 2'
' ' 'everyone' 'team 1'
' ' '>AIMING' {
' ' '>DEFAULT SET' {
' ' 'head' 'HeadBunny'
' ' 'chest' 'HeartBunny'
' ' 'stomach' 'StomachBunny'
' ' 'testicles' 'TestieBunny'
' ' 'new Head' 'newHead'
׺°”˜`”°º× AIM & SHOT ׺°”˜`”°º×
'*' '>Aimbot' { // Aiming assistance moves your crosshair at targets
'*' '>Activation' { // How to activate the a

Cs 1.6 Cfg Download
Download GameTracker Lite. მთავარი » ფაილები » Counter Strike 1.6 » CFG კონფიგები: cfg Core.dll. Counter Strike 1.6 configs. Counter Strike 1.6 configs. Download and extract config.cfg in cstrike counter strike/cstrike folder. Filter COM_CONTENT__FILTER_LABEL CFG with Aim: Written by Administrator 21108 RobbaN Config: Written by Administrator 7839 cArn Config: Written by Administrator.
- // This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.
- // Add custom configurations to the file 'userconfig.cfg'.
- bind 'TAB' '+showscores'
- bind 'ENTER' '+attack'
- bind 'ESCAPE' 'cancelselect'
- bind 'SPACE' '+jump'
- bind ''' '+moveup'
- bind '+' 'sizeup'
- bind ',' 'buyammo1'
- bind '-' 'sizedown'
- bind '.' 'buyammo2'
- bind '/' '+movedown'
- bind '0' 'slot10'
- bind '1' 'slot1'
- bind '2' 'slot2'
- bind '3' 'slot3'
- bind '4' 'slot4'
- bind '5' 'slot5'
- bind '6' 'slot6'
- bind '7' 'slot7'
- bind '8' 'slot8'
- bind '9' 'slot9'
- bind ';' '+mlook'
- bind '=' 'sizeup'
- bind '[' 'invprev'
- bind ']' 'invnext'
- bind '`' 'toggleconsole'
- bind 'a' '+moveleft'
- bind 'b' 'buy'
- bind 'c' '+voicerecord'
- bind 'd' '+moveright'
- bind 'e' '+use'
- bind 'f' 'impulse 100'
- bind 'g' 'drop'
- bind 'h' '+commandmenu'
- bind 'i' 'messagemode amx_say'
- bind 'k' '+voicerecord'
- bind 'm' 'chooseteam'
- bind 'n' 'nightvision'
- bind 'o' 'buyequip'
- bind 'q' 'lastinv'
- bind 'r' '+reload'
- bind 's' '+back'
- bind 't' 'impulse 201'
- bind 'u' 'messagemode2'
- bind 'v' 'say_team ZBUNKARA IS SICK SUCK MY DICK '
- bind 'w' '+forward'
- bind 'x' 'radio2'
- bind 'y' 'messagemode'
- bind 'z' 'radio1'
- bind '~' 'toggleconsole'
- bind 'UPARROW' '+forward'
- bind 'DOWNARROW' '+back'
- bind 'LEFTARROW' '+left'
- bind 'RIGHTARROW' '+right'
- bind 'ALT' '+strafe'
- bind 'CTRL' '+duck'
- bind 'SHIFT' '+speed'
- bind 'F1' 'autobuy'
- bind 'F2' 'rebuy'
- bind 'F5' 'snapshot'
- bind 'F6' 'save quick'
- bind 'F7' 'load quick'
- bind 'F10' 'quit'
- bind 'INS' '+klook'
- bind 'PGDN' '+lookdown'
- bind 'PGUP' '+lookup'
- bind 'END' 'force_centerview'
- bind 'MWHEELDOWN' '+duck'
- bind 'MWHEELUP' '+jump'
- bind 'MOUSE1' '+attack'
- bind 'MOUSE2' '+attack2'
- bind 'PAUSE' 'pause'
- _cl_autowepswitch '1'
- _snd_mixahead '0.1'
- ati_npatch '1.0'
- bgmvolume '1.000000'
- bottomcolor '6'
- brightness '2'
- cl_allowdownload '1'
- cl_allowupload '1'
- cl_backspeed '400'
- cl_cmdbackup '2'
- cl_cmdrate '101'
- cl_corpsestay '600.000000'
- cl_crosshair_color '50 250 250'
- cl_crosshair_size 'small'
- cl_crosshair_translucent '0'
- cl_dlmax '128'
- cl_download_ingame '1'
- cl_dynamiccrosshair '0'
- cl_forwardspeed '400'
- cl_himodels '0'
- cl_idealpitchscale '0.8'
- cl_lc '1'
- cl_logocolor '#Valve_Ltblue'
- cl_logofile 'lambda'
- cl_lw '1'
- cl_min_ct '2'
- cl_min_t '1'
- cl_minmodels '0'
- cl_mousegrab '1'
- cl_radartype '1'
- cl_righthand '1'
- cl_shadows '0'
- cl_sidespeed '400'
- cl_timeout '35'
- cl_updaterate '101'
- cl_vsmoothing '0.05'
- cl_weather '0'
- con_color '50 250 250'
- con_mono '0'
- console '1.000000'
- crosshair '1.000000'
- fastsprites '0'
- fps_max '101'
- gamma '3'
- gl_dither '1'
- gl_flipmatrix '0'
- gl_fog '1'
- gl_monolights '0'
- gl_overbright '0'
- gl_polyoffset '0.1'
- gl_vsync '0'
- hisound '1'
- hpk_maxsize '4'
- hud_capturemouse '1'
- hud_centerid '1'
- hud_draw '1'
- hud_fastswitch '1'
- hud_saytext_internal '1'
- hud_takesshots '0'
- joystick '0'
- lookspring '0.000000'
- lookstrafe '0.000000'
- m_customaccel '0'
- m_customaccel_exponent '1'
- m_customaccel_max '0'
- m_customaccel_scale '0.04'
- m_filter '0'
- m_forward '1'
- m_mousethread_sleep '10'
- m_pitch '0.022'
- m_rawinput '0'
- m_side '0.8'
- m_yaw '0.022'
- model 'gordon'
- MP3FadeTime '2.0'
- MP3Volume '0'
- mp_decals '300.000000'
- name 'Smile97 aim cfg update 2015'
- net_graph '3'
- net_graphpos '1'
- net_scale '5'
- r_detailtextures '0'
- sensitivity '1.3'
- skin '
- spec_autodirector_internal '1'
- spec_drawcone_internal '1'
- spec_drawnames_internal '1'
- spec_drawstatus_internal '1'
- spec_mode_internal '4'
- spec_pip '0'
- suitvolume '0.250000'
- sv_aim '0'
- sv_voiceenable '1'
- team '
- topcolor '30'
- viewsize '110'
- voice_enable '1'
- voice_forcemicrecord '1'
- voice_modenable '1'
- voice_scale '1'
- volume '0.2'
- setinfo '_gm' 'bb00'
- setinfo '_vgui_menus' '1'
- setinfo '_ah' '0'
- setinfo 'xredir' '0'
- execuserconfig.cfg
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