The Ldap Extension Of Your Php Parser Isn T Installed

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The Ldap Extension Of Your Php Parser Isn T Installed Average ratng: 3,0/5 7021 votes

I have set up docker with laradock.

I'm using the following package

Unable to enable PHP LDAP even though I have edited php.ini and. And the LDAP section isn't there. I edited php.ini to. Uncomment extension = php_ldap.dll in.

I get the following error:

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  2. Installing curl to PHP cli. It looks like the curl module isn't installed for my phpcli. Before extension=php_curl.dll around line 656.
The Ldap Extension Of Your Php Parser Isn T Installed

Should I enter my docker workspace and try to install it?

How should I install it?Seems I can't find php7.0-ldap package from apt-get or apt-cache..

Is it possible to enable it through docker-compose or by editing someway one of docker files? (php-fpm/Dockerfile-70 ?

Buddha vandana gatha sinhala pdf. EDIT: (DockerFile-70 full contents with Solution provided)


1 Answer

Check this out:

Atom Feed Php Parser

Basically you need this in your php-fpm docker file:

Php Parser Generator

Xml php parser

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