Mame Psp 3000 Emulator
The Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Slim is an extremely capable device with a variety of features. Through the use of custom firmware, it can perform additional tasks, including the ability to install Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) software. Originally designed for personal computers, MAME.
For those of us who want the ultimate retro gaming experience, there’s the Hyperkin RetroN 5. For the rest of us, the Sony Playstation Portable is one of the best machines of its generation when it comes to emulation. Its little sister, the PS Vita, has the same benefits thanks to VHBL and TN-V. NES, GBA, SNES, If you can think of an older generation console, the PSP and the Vita have it.
On this page, we provide download links for all emulators that run on the Sony Playstation Portable & the PS Vita.
Looking for the best PSP emulator? Then you actually want to check our PSP emulator page!
Looking for a Vita emulator? Here again, you want to check our PS Vita emulator page for the latest information on that topic!
This page is a list of emulators to run on your PSP or your PS Vita, not the other way around!
The emulators below are compatible with both the PSP and the PS Vita (through its PSP emulator). We have another page for Native PS Vita emulators (compatible with PS Vita only) running through the HENkaku hack.
0. Quick links
Table of contents to jump directly to the emulator you are looking for!
1. What you need
A variety of emulators exist for the Playstation Portable and the Sony PS Vita. Explaining to you how to install and run them is not the main goal of this article, but you will need to get your console ready first. Check the explanations below:
- If you want to run emulators on your PSP, you will in general need to run a Custom Firmware on your PSP. Installing a Custom Firmware on your PSP is a 5 minutes riskless procedure, and we explain how to do it here.
- If you want to run emulators on your Vita, you will need to run a custom Firmware or VHBL. The procedure to achieve that is described here . You will also need to use one of the scene’s mods of the content manager assistant, in order to copy files to your Vita.
2. Emulators Downloads
The links below are download links for emulators that will run on the PSP and the PS Vita. However, we do not provide any links to “roms”. Additionally, a few emulators require a “bios” file which we cannot distribute for legal reasons. You have to provide your own. Details on how to install those emulators and additional help can be found below.
The download links below are kept up to date regularly in order to guarantee we provide the latest and greatest version of each emulator. When several options are possible, we added alternatives in parenthesis. But if you find better, please let us know!
Zemax torrent cracked. Second Generation Consoles (1970’s)
- Atari 2600: PSP2600 (don’t like it? Try Stella PSP)
- Atari 5200: PSPAtari
- Magnavox Odyssey: emuODD
- Colecovision: PSPColem (don’t like it? Try ColemPSP)
- Vectrex: PSPVE
- Intellivision: PSPInt
Third Generation Consoles (8-bit era, 1980’s)
- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES, Famicon): NesterJ AoEX
- Sega Master System: MasterBoy (don’t like it? Try SMS Plus)
- Atari 7800: PSP7800
Fourth Generation Consoles (16-bit era, 1980’s & 1990’s)
Note: If you grew up in the 90’s and like retro gaming, you might want to check the Hyperkin RetroN 5, a 5-in-1 gaming console that supports your original cartridges for the NES, SNES, Genesis/Megadrive, Game Boy and GBA.
- Super Nintendo (SNES): Snes9xTYL 0.4.2 mod (VHBL users, try version 0.4.2 here)
- Sega Genesis/ Megadrive: Picodrive
- Neo Geo: MVSPSP
- Gameboy & Gameboy Color: Masterboy
- Game Gear: Masterboy
- Atari Lynx: PLynx
- Pc-Engine/TurboGrafx-16: PCEP (don’t like it? Try PSPHugo)
Fifth Generation Consoles (32/64-bit era, 1990’s)
- Nintendo 64 (N64): DaedalusX64
- Sony Playstation (PS1, PSX): integrated on the PSP, no need for additional emulator
- Neo Geo Pocket/Color: RACE! (don’t like it? Try e[mulator] or NgPSP)
Sixth Generation Consoles (128-bit era, 2000’s)
- Gameboy Advance (GBA): gPSP
- Bandai Wonderswan: e[mulator]
Seventh Generation Consoles (late 2000’s)
- Nintendo DS (NDS): DSonPSP (note: that emulator is experimental and support has been stopped a long time ago!)
- Commodore C64: PSP-Vice
- Amstrad CPC464: PSPCAP32
- ZX Spectrum 48K: FUSE
- Atari 800,800XL,130XE: PSPAtari
- Sam Coupé: PSPSim
- Dragon32/64-Tandy Coco: PSPDragon
- Thompson MO5: PSP MO5
- Thompson TO7: PSPThom
- BBC Micro Computer: PSPBeeb
- Commodore Amiga: PSP UAE
- Atari ST: CaSTaway
- Lucasart Point & Click adventure games: ScummVM
- Adventure Game Studio (AGS, Point & click Games): Adventure Game Studio for PSP
- Dos: DosBox
3. Need More?

Vita owners: If the downloads above don’t work for you, check the following threads for packages of these emulators ready to use “out of the box” on TN-V or VHBL.
Mame Emulator For Psp 6.61
Thanks go to Dragon Chan for his “PSP emulators Bible” (and to kakarotto who helped him)
Psp Mame Emulator
Looking for emulators running on other platforms? Check our emulators page.
Psp 3000 Mame Emulator
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for the PSP.
Fixed from 4.9r1
- Usermode builds now works.
- Dipswitches settings added.
- Some Z80 core speedups.
- Vector based games like Asteroids now run at native resolution of 480×272 pixels.
- Preliminary memory management to clean-up things in certain romset (due to original MAME bugs) before starting a new emulation.
- In case of memory fragmentation errors emulator now quits without lockups.
- Better sound support in certain games, like Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles etc.
- Graphics themes disabled in 1.50 kernel mode to gain more memory available, used a simple blue gradient instead.
- Graphics mode saved with settings.
Fixed from 4.7r3 (same as 4.8r1 unreleased)
- Crash when sampled used.
- Unified builds, thanks to new Z80 core, Mame 0.53 based, compatible with system16, neogeo and classic roms.
- Implemented PSP-2000 (slim) specific support, so double memory available to load roms, thanks to keiich-san code.
Fixed from 4.7r2:
- Sounds now are near arcade perfect, with minor gliches in some sound chips emulations;
- Gold (CPS1, System16 and Neogeo) specific emulations are now stand-alone, as require different z80 cpu implementation;
- Improved performance with sounds, oldies with 0 frame skip and vsync on, others with auto-1 and auto-2;
Fixed from 4.7:
- 133 MHz in menu and while paused, for battery saving;
- VSync really works now;
- Corrected build configuration and Makefile, so sounds in various games are now back;
- Correct fixed, div2, sw scaled and sw stretched resolutions, with autocentering
Specific Features:
- Based on latest MAME GP2X release v4.9;
- 480×272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with >320 orizz. and >240 vert. pixels are fully playable (Loderun, Galaga etc.);
- Overclock support, from 133 to 333 MHz;
- Fixed, Fixed Divided by 2, Software Scaled and Software Full Screen Stretched resolutions (all maximum 480×272);
- Frameskip as GP2X version (fixed 0-5, auto 1-5);
- Vsync on/off;
- Save configuration support, default and per game;
- 22KHz with 16 voices predefined sounds, 33KHz and 44KHz frequencies with 4, 8 and 16 voices combinations added;
- Preliminary analog support;
- Autocentering fix for all resolutions;
- Optimized compiled code as derived from GP2X version, but for PSP cpu (fastest graphics core!);
- Stripped & Packed executable, only 1.5MB;
- Original graphics theme from Gold edition (user mode version only);
- Music in menu (filename music.psp in data folder), in these supported formats: .MOD, .S3M, .IT, .XM and .OGG;
- Added, as bonus, 1st classified OldSkool at Assembly 2007 Music Competition (Commodore 64 based), in .OGG format;
- Graphic theme 480×272 BMP skins support, both pspmenu480.bmp and pspsplash480.bmp in folder skins (user mode version only);
- Dipswitches settings;
Specific Controls:
- Button SELECT: Insert credits.
- Button START: Play.
- Button HOME: after Pause exit game and return to menu.
- Buttons L+R: Activate/deactivate screen fixed/fixed div2/scale/stretch.
- Buttons L+R pressed during one second: Pause.
- Buttons L+HOME simultaneously: Reset emulation.
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